The following essay was submitted by Nathan Gerstein, 2021 winner of The Stevie Strong Scholarship award. Nathan has granted his permission to share this with you and others who would apply for future awards from the Stevie Strong Foundation.

Scholarship Essay

I come from a loving and hardworking family, which influenced me a great deal. In addition to the support my family offered through the years, it also provided a model for what kind of a person I want to become. I draw my inspiration from my parents and three siblings, as well as the family members that came before us, shaping our future by their actions. Through the years, my parents often talked about their parents and grandparents, who consistently sought to be helpful to the community, worked through many challenges, and brought their best talents to the world. I find this approach honorable. I am grateful to the generations before me for shaping our family this way, and I hope to be a positive influence on the future generations as well.

I have been playing hockey since I was six years old. Although being involved in hockey is very time-demanding, it is also extremely rewarding. I love the sport for the thrill and camaraderie it offers. It also taught me many valuable life lessons through interactions with teammates and coaches, as well as reflection on my own actions in challenging situations. I learned the importance of keeping a team’s focus on the common goal and channeling differences of opinion into a useful exchange of ideas for improvement. Being a hockey team captain during high school freshman/senior years and becoming a certified hockey referee helped me to better understand the pressure of responsibility for others. Time-management is another important skill hockey helped me develop by balancing a challenging school course load and a sports team schedule.

In addition to hockey, I have been a part of the Robotics club in the freshman year. However, I had to prioritize my time in the sophomore through senior years, earning 45 college credits, working 3 times a week, helping my family, and enjoying my passion – hockey.

I believe I deserve this scholarship because of my dedication to the school, the sport, and providing positive influence on others. I’ve worked hard to graduate school one year ahead of schedule (skipping a grade), Summa Cum Laude with GPA 4.92 on a 4-point scale, earning 45 college credits during High School. As a member of my hockey team, I was consistently engrossed in service to its members, such as leading pre-ice warmups, helping clear out equipment, assisting with resolution of team conflicts, and motivating the team. The pandemic year had been difficult for the team because games have been canceled. The entire team felt disappointed, and some players were becoming demoralized. Demoralization is a dangerous state of mind which influences the team’s focus and effort put into practices. As a senior and a team leader, I felt it is my duty to keep the team engaged despite feeling quite disappointed in the situation myself. I used humor, displayed a positive attitude, and worked hard during practices, setting an example for the team members. A couple of years ago, I have obtained an ice hockey referee certification. I have enjoyed helping younger players understand the rules and enabling them to have a genuine hockey game experience. Being involved in the sport offered me many benefits and a lot of joy, and I try to pay it forward.

I plan to continue being involved in hockey while working towards a computer science degree from the University of Illinois. I have not received any financial aid besides loans, and I hope to receive this scholarship to help me pay for my education. One promise I can make is that I will continue to work hard to do well in school, play hockey, and serve my future hockey team in the best way that I can.