The following essay was submitted by Logan Corneil, 2022 winner of The Stevie Strong Scholarship award. Logan has granted his permission to share this with you and others who would apply for future awards from the Stevie Strong Foundation.

Scholarship Essay

It has taken me eighteen years to realize what an extraordinary influence both of my parents have been on my life. I say my parents and not just my mom or my dad, but both. They each contribute in their own special ways in helping to influence and guide me to who I have become today. My mom is kind, dedicated and encouraging. While my dad is determined, driven and competitive. When you combine all those qualities, it pushes me to be the best version of myself.

My mom has always been there to help with school related efforts or for me to be able to talk with her about things happening in my life. She listens and provides ideas of ways I can approach any challenges that I am facing. She encourages me to advocate for myself. To communicate directly with peers and adults. A skill I will always need in life. My Mom is a strong role model. She always makes the time for me and my brother and dedicates herself to volunteering her time in activities that support me. Ever since I was little, she was there helping in the classroom, setting up parties for holiday events and most recently serving on the hockey board. All things that are indirectly supporting me and my passions. She is teaching and has taught me how to give back.

My dad has always been there to push me to achieve excellence. He encourages me to step out of my comfort zone and reach for greatness, even if it means I might stumble getting there. He is always talking about effort. “Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard”. This has been a modo since I was little, especially when playing any sports. Growing up I was always the smallest player on the ice. I learned early on that I needed to outwork the bigger kids. My dad was instrumental in teaching me that. He too was a smaller hockey player growing up. My dad has shared his perspective with me on how to set myself apart, and to do that is to work hard both on the ice and off the ice.

When you take both of my parents influences and instill them into me, you get a hardworking athlete both on the ice and in the classroom. My grades my freshman year were “ok”. They weren’t straight A’s like I had all throughout Middle School. During my sophomore year, COVID hit, and my grades were frozen in time. I have no opportunity to improve them. I had to accept what they were and move forward. That brought me to my junior and senior. I have excelled in achieving straight A’s during this time.

When most seniors are getting “senioritis” I am stepping on the gas pedal to achieve the excellence in the classroom. My time as a student isn’t ending, it is just beginning. Next stop college!

I feel I am deserving of the Stevie Strong Scholarship because I believe I exemplify the meaning behind what the scholarship is all about. A strong student athlete who has shown success in the classroom. I am excited to further my education at the next level. I am a person who is resilient and has risen to the challenges that life has given me. I take my education seriously and I can’t wait to see what I am able to achieve in the future. It would be a great honor to represent this award. Thank you for the opportunity!