The following essay was submitted by Mason Corneil, 2024 winner of The Stevie Strong Scholarship award. Mason has granted his permission to share this with you and others who would apply for future awards from the Stevie Strong Foundation.

Scholarship Essay

Growing up, I often heard hurtful things like “Oompa Loompa,” “Midget”, and “Did you forget to take your growing pills?” because of my short and small stature. This made me an easy target for teasing, especially in sports like Football, Hockey, and Lacrosse. People doubted my abilities because of my size, as if it was a drawback. But this challenge made me realize that I had to work harder to prove myself. I turned what seemed like a disadvantage into an advantage. My sportsmanship, motivation, and perseverance also helped me excel in the classroom.

Being small, I had to compensate with speed and precision when playing hockey. I learned to ‘play big’ and excel at my sport. I applied the same principle to my academics. I studied more than required, revised my assignments to master the concepts, and asked questions to clarify my doubts. By doing this, I made it a habit to give my best in everything I pursued. I became more resilient, and I was willing to work hard to achieve my goals. I also realize that growth and development are essential in life. I have faced challenges and found creative ways to overcome them. I will keep doing that in college and beyond. My hard work and adaptability will help me succeed in any field I choose, whether it is school, work, or life in general. I am confident about this because I have already proven it to myself. Life has taught me that it is not easy and that I must rise above the obstacles to grow as a person. I will learn from the experiences along the way and use them in any situation I encounter. I see challenges as opportunities to improve myself and become a better version of who I am.

In the last three and a half years, I have achieved things, such as learning to drive, earning high honors every high school semester, getting a 4.2 GPA, and becoming an Illinois State Scholar by ISAC. Among these achievements, one that I am particularly proud of is being selected as one of the alternate captains of the varsity hockey team this season. This is not just a recognition of my athletic skills, but also a sign of the trust and respect that my coaches and teammates have for me. It also means that I must live up to certain responsibilities and expectations. As an alternate captain, I have shown leadership, teamwork, sportsmanship, and character. I am happy to be a teammate that others can rely on for advice and support both on and off the ice; and that I can help the team improve from last season. Being an alternate captain has helped me enhance my leadership skills and that will benefit me in all areas of my life.

Being small for most of my life seemed like a disadvantage, but I turned it into an opportunity. I was motivated to work harder and achieve more. I am excited to pursue my education and play ACHA hockey. This will be a period of exploration, growth, and focus. In college, I will pursue a business degree career path because I want to learn how to use analytical and critical thinking skills to tackle real-world problems. I think believe a business degree will provide me with the skills and resources to follow my professional aspirations and interests in a fast-paced and competitive setting, just like hockey.

The Stevie Strong Scholarship reflects the values and ideals that I embody, and I believe that I am a worthy recipient of this honor. As a strong student athlete, I have demonstrated excellence in both academics and hockey. I am eager to discover my future achievements and the positive effects I will create in the world.

It would be a tremendous privilege to be the Stevie Strong Award recipient.

Thank you for the consideration,
Mason Corneil